March’s Book Releases To Be Excited For

March Book Releases To Be Excited For. Background has Lakelore, The Bone Orchard, A Far Wilder Magic, Wild and Wicked Things, and The City of Dusk

I can't believe how many amazing books are out in March! My ever-expanding TBR list is suffering but I'm so excited for these releases! March 1st The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake Everyone has been talking about this magical dark academia book and the rerelease's cover is so gorgeous Adult Fantasy The Alexandrian Society is … Continue reading March’s Book Releases To Be Excited For

Review: The Thousand Eyes by A.K. Larkwood

The Thousand Eyes Review

Today I'm taking part in a blog tour for The Thousand Eyes with Black Crow PR and Tor! Come find out my thoughts on this fantastic read! With unhinged gods, daring time skips, and the best loveable idiots you'll ever read about, The Thousand Eyes is a brilliant end to this truly unforgettable series.Csorwe, Shuthmili, … Continue reading Review: The Thousand Eyes by A.K. Larkwood

Review: A Lesson In Vengeance by Victoria Lee

A Lesson In Vengeance Review

A Lesson In Vengeance is a slow-paced, dark academia for people who love goth vibes and unhinged sapphic nerds.Dalloway School stands isolated in the Catskill mountains, a centuries-old, ivy-covered school for the elite. Godwin House is the most selective dormitory, rumoured to be haunted by five witches who died on campus in terrible, strange ways. … Continue reading Review: A Lesson In Vengeance by Victoria Lee

10 Fantasy Books with the Best Romance Subplots

10 Fantasy Books with the Best Romance

Valentine's day is coming up so let's chat about my favourite romances in fantasy! It's difficult to say exactly what makes something a fantasy romance or a fantasy with romance in. All of these books have amazing romances, but the plots are strong enough to stand on their own. Some of these romances are messy, … Continue reading 10 Fantasy Books with the Best Romance Subplots

Review: Stars and Bones Review by Gareth L. Powell

Stars and Bones Review

Stars and Bones is a sci-fi with intriguing worldbuilding and an action-packed plot, but the characters could have been developed further.Years after humanity are miraculously saved from nuclear war by a powerful extraterrestrial being and uplifted towards the stars, a spaceship makes a dangerous discovery. So dangerous that the entire crew are ripped to shreds. … Continue reading Review: Stars and Bones Review by Gareth L. Powell