WWW Wednesday: 16th March 2022

Image Text: WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam of Taking on a World of Words. It’s a fun midweek reading update that asks you to answer three questions:

– What are you currently reading?
– What did you recently finish reading?
– What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?

I started The Bronzed Beasts today! I’ve been meaning to finish this series for ages, so I’m glad I’m finally getting round to it. I haven’t read enough to have loads of thoughts yet, but I love Roshani Chokshi’s writing style it’s so lush. It’s also great to see these characters again because I love them so much.

What did you recently finish reading?

I finished Wild and Wicked Things yesterday. This book is coming out later this month and it’s a sapphic historical fantasy with witches and Great Gatsby vibes. I was really looking forward to this, and although I enjoyed it, I didn’t like it as much as I thought I was going to? I think I forgot that I actually hate the Great Gatsby? I feel like I want a book that has the vibes of Gatsby but with less of a whiny rich person focus. I didn’t vibe with the plot because it followed a character I found very dislikeable, and not in an interesting dislikeable way. Still, the atmosphere was immaculate and I’d definitely recommend it to people! Especially if you actually liked Gatsby! You’ll get a full review on this one soon!

I’m reading Deathless next! I got this one from the library, I know absolutely nothing about it. I read Catherynne M. Valente’s novella Comfort Me With Apples last year and really enjoyed it, so I figured I’d pick up another book by her.

5 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: 16th March 2022

  1. oops i just remembered i too have to continue the gilded wolves series, i’d read the first book last year (and really enjoyed it) but never got around to reading the sequel!


  2. I’ve seen quite a few mixed things about Wild and Wicked Things and the more I see people talk about it the more I’m convinced that this isn’t gonna be for me. I’ve never been keen on reading Gatsby for the same reasons you didn’t like it so… Think I’ll be giving this one miss! 😂 I hope you enjoy your current and next reads though!


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