10 Fantasy Books Written by Women for Women’s History Month

For a long time fantasy was a genre that seemed dominated by men, so let's celebrate some of the amazing fantasy books written by women. I'm sure we all read a lot of books by women, but as it's Women's History Month it's a great time to add these to your TBR. Raybearer by Jordan … Continue reading 10 Fantasy Books Written by Women for Women’s History Month

10 Fantasy Books by Black Authors You Don’t Want To Miss

10 Amazing Fantasy Books By Black Authors

It might be the end of Black History Month but we should all be reading books by black authors throughout the year. Here are some of my favourite fantasy books by black authors to add to your tbr! Flowers For The Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn This horror fantasy novella features a world covered in … Continue reading 10 Fantasy Books by Black Authors You Don’t Want To Miss